Monday, May 6, 2024

Medici Family: Cosimo, Lorenzo & Catherine

house medici

Other towns nearby are high on the tops of hills, but Florence is in a wide valley, with the broad Arno River flowing through it. The Pisans were not very friendly towards Florence, so Florence took them over. Then the rich traders of Florence could have their own ships and did not have to worry about the Lombard traders who brought their goods across Europe and over the mountains on the backs of donkeys. Within the “Cite this article” tool, pick a style to see how all available information looks when formatted according to that style. Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. Florence Inferno is a blog about the Florentine mysteries, symbols, and places that are mentioned in Dan Brown’s latest novel Inferno, and much more about the city.

house medici

The Medici: from the rise to power to the end of the dynasty

The Italian Royal de Medici Family to Offer a Rare Collection of Family Jewels and Artifacts From the 16th and 17th ... - Antique Trader

The Italian Royal de Medici Family to Offer a Rare Collection of Family Jewels and Artifacts From the 16th and 17th ....

Posted: Thu, 22 Feb 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]

It became the residence of the ruling family, until 1737 when the last Medici died. It was also a treasure house where the members of the Medici family accumulated art and precious artefacts throughout the centuries. Today it hosts several museums that show the Medici’s collections, including their costumes and a vast Palatine Gallery with paintings. The perfect place to immerse oneself in the history of this great family. The family is well recognized for having been the patrons of the famous Galileo Galilei, who tutored multiple generations of Medici children.

Anna Maria Luisa, the last descendant

Rai TV will air 2 episodes each Tuesday, and with season 1 comprising 8 episodes, it will take 4 weeks to be broadcast. The series has been sold to many European channels, while sales in the USA have been delegated to WME. However, there is presently no word on when it will be aired in other countries. Pope Clement VII commissioned Michelangelo to paint the altar wall of the Sistine Chapel. Eleanor of Toledo, princess of Spain and wife of Cosimo I the Great, purchased the Pitti Palace from Buonaccorso Pitti in 1550.

The Medici Family

He died the same month, but his successor, Pope Paul V, was also pro-Medici.[31] Ferdinando's pro-papal foreign policy, however, had drawbacks. Tuscany was overrun with religious orders, not all of whom were obliged to pay taxes. Ferdinando died in 1609, leaving an affluent realm; his inaction in international affairs, however, would have long-reaching consequences down the line.

When Cosimo died in 1464, the Florentines gave him honors fit for a king, and he was thereafter called pater patriae. The prestige of the Medici soon extended beyond the confines of Florence, and some members of the family were elected pope, such as Leo X and Clement VII. The Medici family became a wealthy family of bankers, and Giovanni was one of the richest Florentines in the early fifteenth century. Members of the Medici family were the protagonists of Florentine life long before their dynasty passed into history. In 1348, the year of the terrible Black Death, one of the Medici was Gonfaloniere di Giustizia, one of the citizens selected who formed the government, or Signoria.

house medici

While Villa La Ferdinanda is open for events, weddings and tours with private guides (by reservation), you can stay on the property at the four-star Hotel Paggeria Medicea, overlooking the Tuscan countryside. It has 37 spacious rooms that are modern in style with antique accents, terracotta floors and beamed ceilings. The Uffizi, meaning “offices”, gallery was built in 1581, under the request of Granduca Francisco de' Medici. The space was originally intended for offices and was later evolved into an art museum displaying the collection and commission of artsworks by the House of Medici. But then Palazzo Vecchio (Cosimo gave it the name “old palace” when he moved to the bigger Palazzo Pitti) wasn’t big enough for Cosimo and his wife Eleonora.

Medici Family Jewels Head to Auction - JCK

Medici Family Jewels Head to Auction.

Posted: Tue, 27 Feb 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Palazzo Medici-Riccardi – the first of the Medici palaces

He managed them all, and his victories are celebrated in the frescoes of the Hall of the Five Hundred, including the magnificent Battle of Marciano. Growing internal opposition forced the Medici to leave Florence after the death of Lorenzo the Magnificent. The new Republic, however, lasted only a few decades, and the Medici family came back, thanks to help from the king of France.

The brothers Lorenzo and Giuliano de’ Medici were attacked during High Mass at Florence Cathderal. In 1478, the Pazzi and Salviati families attempted a plot to displace the Medicis with the approval of Pope Sixtus IV, who was an enemy of the Florentine family. They also produced two French queens – Catherine de’ Medici (1547–1589) and Marie de’ Medici (1600–1630).

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Giovanni di Bicci (1360–1429) is the first member of the family who created a dense network of merchants around him and his family. The earliest origins of this family are difficult to track because the Medici later tried to ennoble their lineage by inventing legends and stories. We will send you the latest TV programmes, podcast episodes and articles, as well as exclusive offers from our shop and carefully selected partners.

In 1569, Cosimo I de' Medici won from the pope the hereditary title of grand duke of Tuscany, the region around Florence. Cosimo de’ Medici, the older brother, established the family’s political base. He served on the Florentine board of war, called the Dieci (The Ten), and held other posts. The latter died before his father, who in death received the title “Father of His Country.” Piero di Cosimo de’ Medici maintained and strengthened the political fortunes of the family. He also fathered two sons, one of whom, Giuliano (1453–78) was assassinated. The second son, Lorenzo (1449–92), became in his own time Il Magnifico (“The Magnificent”).

Duchess Violante of Bavaria, Gian Gastone's sister-in-law, tried to withdraw the grand duke from the sphere of influence of the Ruspanti by organising banquets. The bed, often smelling of faeces, was occasionally cleaned by Violante. You can credit the Medicis with many things—fostering the spread of humanism, serving as great art benefactors, reimagining the Florentine cityscape—but also with less heralded initiatives, like pioneering a taste for fine country living. Fourteen of these properties (12 villas and two gardens) are now designated as Unesco World Heritage sites; many are open to the public for visits, or for events. But if you’d like to holiday at a Medici estate, head to the Tenuta di Artimino in Artimino, less than an hour’s drive from Florence.

He was a patron because he supported the church, and lots of writers, artists, architects and students. He founded a "Platonic Academy" where students could study the works of Ancient Greek writers and talk about politics, religion and new ideas. Cosimo encouraged architects to design buildings in the style of Ancient Rome. He collected a huge library of books and gave them to the monastery of San Lorenzo to be used by students. When he wanted some quiet time, he went to friary, (which is like a monastery), Sant Marco's, where he encouraged one of the "brothers", Fra Angelico, to paint beautiful sacred pictures. They were a group of men called the "signorina" (the seniors or elders).

Medici family, Italian bourgeois family that ruled Florence and later Tuscany from c. The effective founder of the family was Giovanni di Bicci de’ Medici (1360–1429), a merchant who amassed great wealth in trade and was the virtual ruler of Florence from 1421 to 1429. His grandson, Lorenzo de’ Medici, or Lorenzo the Magnificent, greatly expanded the family’s power. Another son, Giovanni, became Pope Leo X. Lorenzo’s great-granddaughter was Catherine de Médicis. Another of Cosimo’s grandsons, Giulio de’ Medici (1478–1534) became pope as Clement VII. His probable illegitimate son, Alessandro de’ Medici, a tyrant, was the last of the direct male line of the elder branch.

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